
来源 :北京医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jinghong_22
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本文结合文献复习报道5例经免疫电泳证实为巨球蛋白血症。其中3例有神经系统改变,3例有骨质的变化。本文重点讨论了本病的诊断、神经系统和骨质变化的临床特点。骨质改变在本病不罕见,不能做为与多发性骨髓瘤的鉴别要点。诊断本病需做血清IgM和免疫电泳的测定,再结合血液学、病理组织学以及临床做出综合判断。 This article combined with the literature review reported in 5 cases confirmed by immunoelectrophoresis macroglobulinemia. Three of them had neurological changes and three had bone changes. This article focuses on the diagnosis of the disease, the clinical features of the nervous system and bone changes. Bone changes in the disease is not uncommon, can not be used as the identification of multiple myeloma points. Diagnosis of the disease need to do serum IgM and immunoelectrophoresis determination, combined with hematology, histopathology and clinical to make a comprehensive judgment.
5月份,国内沿海散货运输市场行情在煤炭、金属矿石、成品油运价上扬的拉动下小幅上涨。5月25日,上海航运交易所(简称航交所)发布的沿海(散货)运价指数报收于点,较上月同期上涨1.4%。煤炭和成品油运价指数小幅上涨,金属矿石运价指数微幅上扬,粮食运价指数下跌,原油运价指数平稳。    1 煤炭运输  5月份,南方天气逐渐转热,电煤需求开始升温。另外,国内大面积干旱导致水利发电量大幅萎缩,南方许多地区出