日前在武汉召开的全国工程建设管理工作会议确定了建筑业今年七项重点工作,可以归纳为:一个契机、两条主线、四大重点。 一个契机是:以修改《建筑法》为契机,进一步完善工程建设和建筑业法规体系。 建设部将组织专门班子研究修改《建筑法》,今年底完成给国务院法制办的送审稿。希望全行业都来关心这项工作,献计献策,群策群力,配合全国人大和国务院法制办,修订出一
Recently held in Wuhan National Engineering Construction Management Conference identified the construction industry seven key tasks this year, can be summarized as: an opportunity, two main lines, the four key points. An opportunity is: to amend the “Building Act” as an opportunity to further improve the construction and construction industry regulations. The Ministry of Construction will organize a special team to study and revise the “Construction Law” and complete the draft for submission to the Legislative Affairs Office of the State Council by the end of this year. We hope that all industries will care about this work, offer advice and suggestions, work together and cooperate with the NPC and the Legislative Affairs Office of the State Council to revise a