从1986年以来,苏联科学院西伯利亚分院矿业研究所和瑞典科洛列夫工程科学研究院一直交换有关深部采矿工艺、地质力学研究、放矿、采矿作业机械化和自动化设备的情报。 1990年,本文作者访问丁瑞典,目的是了解瑞典采矿科学技术的成就,布利登矿物公司和LKAB公司的科学研究和矿山生产的组织工作,阿特拉斯·科普柯公司的矿山机
Since 1986, the Institute of Mining of the Siberian Branch Institute of the Soviet Academy of Sciences and the Swedish Korolev Institute of Engineering Science have exchanged intelligence on deep mining processes, geomechanical studies, ore extraction, mining mechanization and automation equipment. In 1990, the author visited Ding Sweden to understand the achievements of mining science and technology in Sweden, the organization of scientific research and mine production at Blounting Minerals and LKAB, the mining machine at Atlas Copco