公元前二五九年(秦昭王四十八年)初春的一天,在赵国京城邯郸一个寄寓的秦国公子的家里,一个男孩呱呱坠地了。他姓嬴名政,长大后就是中国历史上著名的秦始皇。 一 秦始皇的父亲名叫异人,是秦昭王的孙子、孝文王的儿子。当时,他是作为人质留在邯郸的。有一个名叫吕不韦的奴隶主大商人看上了这个处境窘迫的秦公子,认定他“奇货可居”,不仅对他百般笼络,还把一个宠妾送给了他,生下了秦始皇。以后,吕
One day in the early spring of 259 BC (Qin Zhaowang’s 48th year), in Zhao Guojing’s home, a boy from the house of Qin was sent home and a boy broke down. His surname was Ming Zheng, and when he grew up, he was the famous Qin Shi Huang in Chinese history. The name of Qin Shihuang’s father is different. He is the grandson of Qin Zhaowang and the son of Xiaowen King. At the time, he was left as a hostage. There was a slave businessman named Lu Buwei who took a look at Qin Gongzi, an embarrassed dilemma. He was convinced that he had “excellent goods to live in.” He not only gave him a wide range of envy, but also gave him a pet clam, and gave birth to Qin Shihuang. Afterwards, Lu