School Uniform

来源 :时代英语(高一) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:XIAOXIAOFSF
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Are school uniforms appropriate for us school students?Yes,and I believe students in school should be required to wear them.Uniforms eliminate the distractions of designer clothes so students can focus on their studies.Uniforms also create an en- vironment in which the students will be judged on personality rather than style.Finally,uniforms save rimeand money. While attending a junior middle school,I experienced the luxury of wearing uniforms.At my school,students came from Are school uniforms appropriate for us school students? Yes, and I believe students in school should be required to wear them.Uniforms eliminate the distractions of designer clothes so students can focus on their studies.Uniforms also create an en- vironment in which the students Will be judged on stuff rather than style.Finally,uniforms save rimeand money. While attending a junior middle school,I experienced the luxury of carrying uniforms.At my school,students came from
盈利的国企还要不要改?上一波国企改革的中心口号是扭亏增盈。这也带来一种误解,就是认为但凡国企实现了盈利,余下的就是做大做强的管理问题,再也不需要深化改革了。到了国企普遍盈利,特别是央企的年利润高达万亿人民币的时候,说国企还要深化改革,听起来似乎就不那么入耳了。  我的看法是,对央企利润还可以作点分析。  首先,企业的账面利润并不完全是经济学范畴的利润,其中一部分可能是企业所占用资源的租金。譬如资源