蔡体良在《文艺报》著文说: 使“北京人艺”院长刘锦云最愁的就是剧本。近几年,首都几家剧院收到的较有水准的剧本愈来愈少了。刘院长说:“这是近几年来最困难的时期。优秀的,可以传世的剧本,我们不敢奢求,退而求其次,就连能够上演的本子实际上也很难找。”评论家刘平则从话剧舞台表现的热闹红火中感觉到了一种一哄而起的浮躁,“概括地说,这种感觉大致来自两个方面,一是非艺术家的商业性演出的‘炒作’;二是戏剧创作者的浮躁情绪及某些剧本的‘急就章’创作。”“‘急就章’式创作的后果必然是艺术上的粗糙。有的戏虽说凭借一些手段增加不少演出场次,但整个创作并没有进入艺术的层次。”
Cai Tailiang in the “literary newspaper,” said the text: so that “Beijing art director” Liu Jinyun worry is the script. In recent years there have been fewer and fewer scripts received at several theaters in the capital. President Liu said: “This is the most difficult period in recent years.Excellent, can be handed down the script, we do not dare to luxury, back to the next, even the book can be staged is actually very difficult to find.” Critics Liu Ping from the lively scene of the performance of the drama felt a flock of impetuous, “In a nutshell, this feeling comes from two aspects, one is non-artist’s commercial performance ’hype’; second The impetuosity of the dramatists and the creation of the ”urgent chapter“ of some scripts. ”“ The consequence of the ”anxious chapter“ style of writing must be an artistic rough, though some of the plays, although by means of some means to increase the number of performances, but the entire creation is not Into the art level. ”