【摘 要】
All those who have complainedinterminablyabout all the negativessurrounding the World Cup– enough already. Westernmedia have maintained anegative stream of reportingsince the 2010 WorldCup host was an
All those who have complainedinterminablyabout all the negativessurrounding the World Cup– enough already. Westernmedia have maintained anegative stream of reportingsince the 2010 WorldCup host was announcedin 2004. Observers saythat while this event mightchange some people’s perceptionof Africa in partsof the world, it’s a bit like“showing passing visitorsinto the best room in yourhouse, whilst knowing therest of your place is in amess.”
Abstract: A study developing a United Arab Emirates-based technology adoption model—through primary research, is supported by two pilot studies, field studies, and action research, in E-business. Rand
built on a solid foundation, which cannot be doneovernight. Otherwise, the ineffective democraticsystem will leave a country in chaos, for exampleof today’s Iraq. And once a nation state is founded,it
Susceptible to bubblesEstimates of overheating and bubbles inChina have been mostly a shouting matchbetween vociferous bearslike hedge fundmanagers Jim Chanos (“China is Dubai timesa thousand or more”
In April, incumbent Sudanese President Omaral-Bashir was declared the winner of thecountry’s first multi-party general electionswith 68 percent of the vote. It indicates that anational unity governmen
The most important aspect while doingbusiness in China is to learn, understandand adapt to the Chinese way of doingbusiness. Since business behavior is closely relatedto cultural behavior, differences
More than 100 people diedwhen a plane crashed at Tripoliinternational airport on May 12.The Afriqiyah Airways flight waslanding in the Libyan capital,having taken off from Johannesburg,South Africa. N
April 10 proved a triumphant night for Nigeria atthe sixth annual African Movie Academy Awards(AMAA). At a theater in Yenagoa, Bayelsa State, 53countries competed for victory in 24 categories, but Nol
a nation of diverse terrainwith forests in thesouth, hills in the west andsavannah plains in the north,the Republic of Côte d’Ivoire isinhabited by more than 60 ethnicgroups. These ethnic groups