香鱼(Plecog lossus altivelis)属鲑形目、胡瓜亚目、香鱼科、香鱼属,为一年生小型经济鱼类,一般个体重100~150克,最大达250~300克。香鱼分洄游型和陆封型两个品系,前者分布于有入海口的河川中,后者分布于水库湖泊里。陆封型香鱼个体小,繁殖力差。成体香鱼呈纺缍型,背
Pseudogastric (Plecog lossus altivelis) is a salmon-shaped head, subglobulin, fragrant families, sweetfish, annual small-scale economic fish, the average individual weight of 100 to 150 grams, up to 250 to 300 grams. Sweet fish points migratory and landfill two strains, the former distributed in the estuary of the river, which is located in the reservoir lake. Landfill ayu individual small, poor reproductive performance. Adult sweet fish was spinning 缍 type, back