
来源 :军事历史研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jk305
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罗荣桓作为我军创建人之一,经历了我军从无到有、从小到大、从弱到强的全过程,使他积累了丰富的人生经验,锤炼了顽强的斗争意志、宽广的胸怀和崇高的品格。他关心干部,爱护干部,是团结的模范。在基层工作时就从口音、口味抓起,强调为团结而宽容、体谅;担任高级职务后,使用干部强调五湖四海,融合山头;在“左”倾浪潮袭来时,对受伤害的干部伸出援手,雪中送炭;在同林彪共事时,既具有坚定的原则性,又展现充分的灵活性,做到大事不迁就,小事不纠缠。 As one of the founders of our army, Luo Ronghuan experienced the whole process of our army from scratch, from small to large and from weak to strong, enabling him to accumulate rich experience in life, temper his tenacious struggle, broad mind and Lofty character He cares about and cares for cadres and is a model of solidarity. When working at the grassroots level, they acted in accent and taste, emphasizing solidarity and tolerance and understanding. After taking up senior positions, they used cadres to emphasize the integration of hills and streams and integration of hills. In the midst of the tide of “left ”, In reaching their agreement with Lin Biao, they both have firm principles and show full flexibility so that major events will not take place and minor things will not be entangled.
因缘际会:父亲筹钱办逢甲  高教授对家庭历史的回顾,使我深深感到,他的父亲高信先生从自己童年和少年的经历中悟出了一个道理:办教育可以提供人生中最关键的改变机会。他一旦有机会,有能力,就想要创造条件办教育。同时我也约略知道,高信先生的人生道路虽然得益于教育,但他的事业并非从教育开始。他其实是宦海沉浮之人,长期在国民政府里任职。1949年底,他从成都辗转飞到台湾去以后,还继续在某些部门中担任了不同的职