水葫芦简称WH.是一种多年生草木植物,原产于南美洲,曾被引进作为饲料,但目前成了一种公害大量於积在河面,严重阻塞河道,水葫芦富含纤维素、蛋白质、脂肪及灰分,含N量高达1.83 %,纤维素含量较稻草略低,全部或部分替代粪草栽培蘑菇成为可能.
Water hyacinth referred to as WH. Is a perennial herbaceous plants, native to South America, was introduced as a feed, but has now become a large number of pollution in the river plot, a serious obstruction of watercourses, water hyacinth-rich cellulose, protein, Fat and ash, containing up to 1.83% N, cellulose content is slightly lower than straw, all or part of the alternative to manure grass cultivation possible.