一、考 7月8日,妈妈骑着摩托车去上班,路上被人冒冒失失地撞了一下,车灯掉了。妈妈正欲发火,听见那女孩慌慌张张地说:“对不起呀,阿姨,我要参加高考。”妈妈立刻平息了怒火,还说了一堆鼓励的话,然后笑容满面地放人家走了。
First, the exam On July 8th, my mother went to work on a motorcycle and was bumped and lost on the road. The headlights fell. Mom was about to get angry and heard the girl panicking and said: “I’m sorry, auntie, I’m going to the college entrance examination.” Mom immediately calmed the anger, and said a bunch of words of encouragement, and then smiled and let people go.