Different variation behaviors of resistivity for high-temperature-grown and low-temperature-grown p-

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:haixinkp
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Two series of p-GaN films grown at different temperatures are obtained by metal organic chemical vapor deposition(MOCVD). And the different variation behaviors of resistivity with growth condition for high- temperature(HT)-grown and low-temperature(LT)-grown p-GaN films are investigated. It is found that the resistivity of HT-grown p-GaN film is nearly unchanged when the NH_3 flow rate or reactor pressure increases. However, it decreases largely for LT-grown p-GaN film.These different variations may be attributed to the fact that carbon impurities are easy to incorporate into p-GaN film when the growth temperature is low. It results in a relatively high carbon concentration in LT-grown p-GaN film compared with HT-grown one. Therefore, carbon concentration is more sensitive to the growth condition in these samples, ultimately,leading to the different variation behaviors of resistivity for HT- and LT-grown ones. Two series of p-GaN films grown at different temperatures were obtained by metal organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD). And the different variation behaviors of resistivity with growth condition for high- temperature (HT) -grown and low-temperature (LT) - grown p-GaN films are investigated. It is found that the resistivity of HT-grown p-GaN films is nearly unchanged when the NH 3 flow rate or reactor pressure increases. However, it decreases largely for LT-grown p-GaN film.These different variations may be attributed to the fact that carbon that are easy to incorporate into p-GaN film when the growth temperature is low. It results in a relatively high carbon concentration in LT-grown p-GaN film compared with HT-grown one. Therefore, carbon concentration is more sensitive to the growth condition in these samples, ultimately, leading to the different variation behaviors of resistivity for HT- and LT-grown ones.
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