在南方地区,无论公园、庭院,还是学校、工厂,常可看到一种春夏开白花、四季常绿的高大树木,或列植,或丛植,或连片种植,蔚为壮观,这就是著名的荷花玉兰。荷花玉兰(Magnolia grandiflora L.)为木兰科常绿乔木,因其花朵硕大、形如荷花而得名。又因其原产北美,还有洋玉兰的别名。还有些地方称其为木莲花、广玉兰等。植株高可达8~25米,胸径有粗达1米者。叶互生,厚革质。正面深绿有光泽,背面密生黄色、茶褐色
In the south, no matter in parks, courtyards, schools or factories, it is common to see a tall tree with evergreen flowers and evergreens, either planted or planted or contiguously planted, which is magnificent Is the famous Lotus magnolia. Magnolia grandiflora (Magnolia grandiflora L.) Magnolia Branch evergreen trees, because of its huge flower, shaped like a lotus and named. Because of its native North America, as well as foreign magnolia alias. Some places call it lotus, magnolia and so on. Plants up to 8 to 25 meters, with a diameter of up to 1 meter diameter. Leaves alternate, thick leather quality. The front is dark green and shiny, the back is dark yellow and dark brown