2月13日,全球装机容量最大的光热电站Ivanpah塔式电站正式宣布并网投运。Ivanpah电站总装机392 MW,由三座装机分别为133、133和126 MW的塔式电站构成。项目总计投资高达22亿美元,是史上投资额度最大的光热发电项目。同时,这也是目前已建成的装机最大的水工质光热电站,该项目的投运将验证两个问题,一是塔式电站向百MW级大规模化发展是否更具价值,二是水工质塔式技术是否具有存在价值。
February 13, the world’s largest installed capacity of thermal power plant Ivanpah tower power station officially announced the grid and put into operation. The Ivanpah Power Station, with a total installed capacity of 392 MW, consists of three tower power plants with installed capacity of 133, 133 and 126 MW respectively. With a total investment of 2.2 billion U.S. dollars, it is the largest solar thermal power generation project in history. At the same time, this is also the largest hydro-thermal power station with installed capacity at present. The commissioning of this project will verify two questions. First, whether the tower-type power station is more valuable to the large-scale development of one hundred MWs. Is there any value for the towering technology?