[剧情梗概] 1953年春节刚过,毛泽东来到阔别26年的江城武汉。在游人如织的蛇山顶上,他回首大革命时期在这里的历历往事,不禁心潮澎湃。就在这时,一个小姑娘认出了他,于是发生了一个“下不来的黄鹤楼”的动人故事。此后,他便同武汉市委书记谈起了“三大改造”,同汉口交易街街长谈起了街道工作,同长江规划办公室主任谈起了长江治理、三峡工程和南水北调。三年后,他在视察武汉长江大桥工地以后,纵身激流,首次畅游长江,写下了那首豪壮奔放的《水调歌头·游泳》。在那火红的年代,在那探索中国社会主义建设道路的日子里,他一次次来到湖北,在荆楚大地留下了一串串不倦的足印。他乘轮东下,“即从巴峡穿巫峡”,察看了三峡坝址,视察了荆江大堤。他风尘仆仆,奔走在武钢的炉前、大冶的矿山、鄂城农村的棉田、武汉大学的操场……1958年初秋,正当他热情赞扬荆楚大地一派热气腾腾的时候,老朋友李达泼来一瓢冷水,为一句口号同他发生了不愉快的争论。就在这次争论发生两个月后,他再次来到湖北,主持召开了继续纠“左”的武昌会议和八届六中全会。毛泽东爱气势磅礴的长江,也爱风光旖旎的东湖。他在东湖客舍同干部群众畅谈国事家事,同国际友人纵论世界风云。只要他来到这里,梅岭一号那扇绿树掩映的窗户,就亮起彻夜不灭的灯光
[Synopsis] Just after the Spring Festival of 1953, Mao Zedong came to Wuhan, an urban area of Wuhan, 26 years away. At the top of the snake-like mountain of tourists, he looked back on the historical events here during the Great Revolution and hesitated. Just then, a little girl recognized him and a moving story of “the Yellow Crane Tower that could not be brought down” happened. After that, he talked to the secretary of the Wuhan municipal party committee about the “three major reforms” and talked with the street chief of the Hankou Trade Street about the work of the Yangtze River Management, the Three Gorges Project and the South-to-North Water Diversion Project. Three years later, after inspecting the site of the Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge, he leapt into the Yangtze River for the first time and wrote the magnificent “Watery Songs and Swimmers”. In that fiery era, during the days of exploring the path of socialist construction in China, he came to Hubei time and time again, leaving a series of tireless footprints in the earth of Jingchu. He took a roundabout drive to “wear the Wuxia from the Gap,” inspecting the Three Gorges Dam site and inspecting the embankment of the Jingjiang River. He was busy with dust and wasted at the furnace in front of WISCO, the mines in Daye, the cotton fields in rural Echeng and the playground in Wuhan University. In the early autumn of 1958, just as he enthusiastically praised the earthly steaming ceremony of Jing Chu, A cold water, a slogan with him unpleasant controversy. Just two months after the debate took place, he again came to Hubei and presided over the Wuchang Conference and the 6th Plenary Session of the Eighth Central Committee that continued to correct the “Left.” Mao Zedong love the magnificent Yangtze River, but also love the beautiful scenery of East Lake. He talked with cadres and the masses about state affairs and family affairs in the East Lake Guest House and talked with international friends about the world situation. As long as he came here, Mei Ling No. 1 green trees shaded windows, it lights up all night indelible light