12月5日上午8时,徐州矿务集团义安矿内锣鼓喧天,鞭炮齐鸣,该矿正在这里为启程奔赴山西省介休市新寨煤矿的第一支采煤队116人举行欢送仪式。集团公司工会主席李剑专程赶来送行,并为他们送来了彩电、DVD等文化娱乐用品。至此,该矿在新寨矿的职工已达到221人。 新寨矿是义安矿与山西省介休市的合
At 8:00 a.m. on December 5, the Xuzhou Mining Group’s Yian Mine was filled with gongs and firecrackers. The mine is here to hold a farewell ceremony for 116 people who left for the first coal mining unit in Xinzhai Coal Mine, Jiexiu City, Shanxi Province . Li Jian, chairman of the trade union of the company, made a special trip to Hong Kong and sent them cultural and entertainment items such as color TV sets and DVDs. At this point, the mine in Xinzhai mine has reached 221 employees. Xinzhai Mine is a joint venture between Ngee Ann City and Jiexiu City in Shanxi Province