以潍坊市北海路深坑高填路堤工程为实体,进行不同夯击能作用下的强夯现场试验,对高填方路基的土体变形规律进行了研究,确定了利用风化花岗岩、建筑杂填土、煤矸石3种填筑材料分层强夯加固路堤的关键施工参数,建立了不同填料层夯沉量与夯击能量、夯击数的函数关系。采用灌水法密度试验、载荷试验、瑞利面波测试对强夯前后路基的承载力和压实程度进行了全面检测。结果显示,在填土深度5 m范围内,强夯施工后填料层变形模量和面波速度普遍得到提高,但存在一定的不均匀性,锤底下填料层的加固效果好于地表夯点间,干密度和孔隙比数值变化也反映类似规律。在同样夯击能量作用下,单击夯沉量和累计夯沉量由大至小依次排列为:建筑杂填土>煤矸石>风化花岗岩。采用1 000 kN·m夯击能的点夯施工方案合理可行。在城市郊区利用不同的废弃填料进行深坑高路堤填筑,其施工试验形成的系列数据值得其他大型工程借鉴。
Taking the deep pits of Beihai Road in Weifang City as embankment, the dynamic compaction test under different tamping energies was carried out to study the deformation law of soils under high embankment. It was confirmed that the use of weathered granite, Soil and coal gangue three kinds of filling materials are used to reinforce and reinforce the key construction parameters of the embankment. The relationship between the amount of compaction of different packing layers and the energy of tamping and the number of tamping is established. The density test, load test and Rayleigh surface wave test were used to test the bearing capacity and compaction of subgrade before and after dynamic compaction. The results show that the deformation modulus and the surface wave velocity of the packing are generally improved within 5 m of the filling depth, but there is some inhomogeneity. The reinforcing effect of the packing under the hammer is better than that between the surface rammer The dry density and void ratio values also reflect similar patterns. Under the same tamping energy, the percussive and cumulative ramifications of percussion compaction are arranged in descending order as follows: construction miscellaneous fillings> coal gangue> weathered granite. The use of 1 000 kN · m tamping point ram construction program is reasonable and feasible. In the suburbs of cities, different types of abandoned packing materials are used to fill deep embankments. The series of data from construction tests are worthy of reference to other large-scale projects.