一、哥斯达黎加的现代艺术哥斯达黎加共和国(The Republic of Costa Rica)地处中美洲南部,东临加勒比海,西濒太平洋,北接尼加拉瓜,东南与巴拿马毗邻。原为印第安人居住地,1564年沦为西班牙殖民地。1821年9月15日宣布独立,1823年加入中美洲联邦,1848年宣布成立共和国,1950年宣布永远废除武装部队。哥斯达黎加是中美洲地区经济发展较好的国家,经济发展水平处于中美洲地区国家中的领先地位。以出口咖啡、香
I. The Republic of Costa Rica’s Modern Art The Republic of Costa Rica is located in southern Central America, east of the Caribbean Sea, west of the Pacific Ocean, north of Nicaragua, southeast and Panama adjacent. Formerly Indian residence, in 1564 became a Spanish colony. Declared independence on September 15, 1821, joined the Central American Federation in 1823, proclaimed the establishment of a republic in 1848, and declared the abolition of the Armed Forces in 1950. Costa Rica is a country with a relatively good economic development in Central America and its economic development is at the leading position among Central American countries. To export coffee, incense