卤虫(Artemia spp.)又称盐水丰年虫、丰年虾、卤虫仔、卤虾等,是世界性分布的小型甲壳类,在分类学上隶属节肢动物门(Arthropoda),甲壳纲(Crustacea),鳃足亚纲(Branchiopoda),卤虫科(Artemiidae)。卤虫作为一种重要的饵料生物和良好的实验动物材料,具有重要的经济和研究价值。卤虫卵为—个休眠的脚台,包被在一坚硬的脂蛋白壳或卵壳中。去壳即利用化学方法去除休眠卤虫卵外的壳,而胚胎的活力不受影响。去壳后的卤虫卵成为一个裸露的、有活性的胚胎,可以立即投喂,也可以脱水后保存。
Artemia spp., Also known as brine, Artemia spp., Brine shrimp, brine shrimp, brine shrimp and so on, is a worldwide distribution of small crustaceans, taxonomic Arthropoda belonging to the door (Arthropoda), Crustacea Branchiopoda, Artemiidae. Artemia, as an important feed organism and a good experimental animal material, has important economic and research value. Artemia eggs - as a sleeping platform, wrapped in a hard lipoprotein shell or egg shell. Hulled is the use of chemical methods to remove dormant Artemia eggshell, and embryo activity is not affected. The shelled Artemia egg becomes a bare, active embryo that can be immediately fed or preserved after dehydration.