该厂是国内较早研制生产数字测温仪表的厂家,重点研制用于现场、携带方便、使用简便的仪表。所生产的计量器具均持有《中华人民共和国制造计量器具许可证》。 SW—2型便携式数字表面温度计以K型热电偶为一次传感元件,带有冷端自动补偿电路、数字保持、断偶指示功能。选择相应的熟电偶,适用于静态、动态、固体表面温度、液体、气体及狭缝处温度的测量。量程:0~400℃;-50~1100℃。精度
The factory is the earlier development and production of digital thermometer manufacturers, focusing on the development for the scene, easy to carry, easy to use instrument. The production of measuring instruments are held “People’s Republic of manufacturing measuring instruments permit.” SW-2 portable digital surface thermometer with K-type thermocouple as a sensing element, with a cold-side automatic compensation circuit, digital hold, broken even instructions. Select the appropriate couple, suitable for static, dynamic, solid surface temperature, liquid, gas and slit at the temperature measurement. Range: 0 ~ 400 ℃; -50 ~ 1100 ℃. Accuracy