这是爱的奉献,这是重塑生命的源泉。解放军某部第98医院的4位军人用他们的行动,诠释了“爱”的真谛。 浙江湖州市杨树街3号,住着俩同胞兄弟。他们患遗传性进行性营养不良症,而不幸早年瘫痪。兄姚介志79岁,已卧床56年;弟姚介成68岁,双目失明,已卧床48年。两位老人的生活靠乡下70岁姊妹姚蕴玉照料。说来令人难以置信,他俩同住一个屋檐下,却27年没有见面了。
This is the dedication of love, which is the source of reshaping life. Four soldiers of the 98th People's Liberation Army General Hospital used their actions to interpret the true meaning of “love.” Poplar Street, Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province on the 3rd, living with both siblings. They suffer from hereditary progressive dystrophy and are unfortunately paralyzed in their early years. Brother Yao Chih-chih, 79 years old, has been in bed 56 years; younger brother Yao Jiecheng 68 years old, blindfolded, has been in bed for 48 years. The lives of the two elderly people rely on the 70-year-old sister Yao Yun-yu care. Unbelievable, they lived under one roof, but in 27 years did not meet.