美国建筑师学会会刊去年邀请了一些建筑师及建筑评论家笔谈,就美国建筑的发展方向问题发表意见。编辑部为此而发的通知中指出:“近些年来,美国建筑已进入了多元主义与折衷主义时期,每个人都在同时尝试着各种途径”,因此要求笔谈者就下列问题作答:你是否看到了任何新方向从混沌中脱颖而出?是否看到了新的意向、新的“主旋律”的雏形?如果看到了,它们是什么? 这组笔谈发表于该刊1985年5月号上。为使我国建筑界从不同角度了解美国建筑学术领域的现状,现将这组笔谈节译刊登。
The American Institute of Architects journal last year invited a group of architects and architectural critics to discuss issues regarding the direction of development of American architecture. The circular issued by the editorial department pointed out that: “In recent years, American architecture has entered a period of pluralism and eclecticism, and everyone is trying different ways at the same time.” Therefore, the pen writer is asked to answer the following questions: Have you seen any new direction emerge from chaos? Have you seen new intentions, the beginning of a new “main theme,” and if so, what are they? This group of conversations was published in the May 1985 issue of the journal. In order to enable the Chinese construction industry to understand the current state of the academic academic field in the United States from different angles, this series of pen talks is being translated and published.