白蚁在千万年的进化过程中,为自己的巢穴设计了极高明的通风系统,使之不会白天被太阳晒得过热而夜间又变得过凉。受到这一现象的启示,如今在津巴布韦首都哈拉雷,就修建了这样一幢能自行调节昼夜温差的办公大楼。位于海拔1483m 的哈拉雷市,白天气温可高达40℃,而夜间气温又可降至0℃。这幢新大楼没有空调设备,仅安装了简单的供暖系统。墙壁、天花板、地板及墙体内部都有通风管道,白天往里输送大院绿化地带的凉爽空气,
During the evolution of thousands of years, termites have designed a highly sophisticated ventilation system for their nests so that they will not be overheated during the day and cool during the night. Inspired by this phenomenon, an office building that can adjust the temperature difference between day and night is now being built in Harare, the capital of Zimbabwe. Located at 1483m above sea level in Harare, daytime temperatures can reach as high as 40°C, while nighttime temperatures can drop to 0°C. The new building does not have air-conditioning equipment and only simple heating systems are installed. Walls, ceilings, floors, and walls have ventilation ducts inside to transport the cool air in the green area of the courtyard during the daytime.