As if overnight, the traditional camera market was flooded with digital cameras. In every corner of the city, we can see everywhere that young people are clutching their cameras or cell phones and are filming. This is a generation of digital photography that does not require any training in photographic techniques and does not require much specialized equipment. They hold their camera or camera phone high on their chests, emphasizing that they are always on the go, regardless of day and night. They do not read aubergines, do not speak technology, and some do not even know the aperture and the shutter, but they are convinced that they have digital art because most of the pictures on the computer screen are familiar and lovable. LOMO was born, it is simple, is casual, is the trend! LOMO is LetOurlifebeMagicandOpen, let our lives open, magic. LOMO = Rama, Lembodrang, Nude Cat ... Leong! Despite the numerous translations, lovers of LOMO in Hong Kong and Taiwan have given it an appropriate Chinese name “Le Mo ” - let us be happy Caressing life! Hong Kong has hosted lomography exhibition - in the subway station in the 8000 photos taken with the LOMO as up to 42 meters “LOMOWall” (LOMO wall), forming a unique landscape.