经过近10个月的反复研究,认真商讨、仔细推敲、艰辛采制和精心修改,六集文献电视 专题片《小平您好》终于如期“付梓”,眼下正在热播。倍感欣慰的是,这部专题片经受了各级领导和权威部门的审阅,并获得广泛好评。而让我们始料未及的是,在彰显社会效益的同时,片子的市场效应也迅速显现,全国有25家省级电视台、12家省会城市台及计划单列城市台购买此片,并在纪念邓小平同志诞辰一百周年期间先后播放。回想创作的甘苦,我们为能挑战自我、实现超越感到无比兴奋和自豪。
After nearly 10 months of repeated research, careful discussion, careful scrutiny, arduous acquisitions and careful revision, the six feature television documentary “Hello, Xiaoping” was finally scheduled to “pay home” and is now hit. It is gratifying to note that this feature film has undergone a review by leading and authoritative departments at all levels and received wide acclaim. Let us unexpectedly, while demonstrating social benefits, the market effect of the film is also rapidly emerging, the country has 25 provincial-level television stations, 12 provincial capital city Taiwan and cities separately planned to buy the film, and in commemoration During the centenary of Comrade Deng Xiaoping’s birth one after another broadcast. Looking back at the bitterness of creation, we are extremely excited and proud to be able to challenge ourselves and surpass ourselves.