说鱼是健脑食品未免有点夸张,但常吃鱼对心脏有好处是很多人都知道的。最近,7月一期的《美国临床营养杂志》上发表的一项新的研究结果表明,常吃鱼还可预防某些癌症。这项研究是由西班牙巴塞罗那大学的Esteve Fernandez及其同事完成的。他们发现,即使只吃少量鱼,患某些癌症的危险也会减少,鱼的食用量与恶性消化道癌症如结肠癌和直肠癌等的发病率成反比。在发达国家,消化道癌症引起的死亡人数一般要多于其他癌症。这个研究小组的研究对象分成两组:第一组是数千位患有各种各样癌症的住院病人,第二组是近8000位因其他各种疾病而住
It is a little exaggeration to say that fish are brain-based foods, but eating fish is good for the heart and many people know it. Recently, a new study published in the July issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that eating fish can also prevent certain cancers. The study was completed by Esteve Fernandez and colleagues at the University of Barcelona in Spain. They found that even eating a small amount of fish reduced the risk of certain cancers, which were inversely proportional to the incidence of malignant gastrointestinal cancers such as colon and rectal cancers. In developed countries, digestive tract cancers generally cause more deaths than other cancers. The study group was divided into two groups: the first group consisted of thousands of inpatients with various cancers, and the second group consisted of nearly 8,000 people living with various other diseases