对于中国加入 WTO,国人大都持支持态度,但其中心存疑虑者也有不少。有人甚至担心洋货涌入国门,会使民族工业崩溃。他们把洋货比喻成“狼”,大呼:“狼来了!”提到狼,我想起在一本杂志上看到的故事。大意是,某森林由于狼被捕杀殆尽,梅花鹿没有敌人追赶,变得日益懒散,奔跑能力大减,体质和品质也随之下降。对此当地的野生动物保护组织大伤脑筋,忧心如焚。他们最后想出一个险招:弄来儿只狼,放进大森林。
For China’s accession to the WTO, most people in China hold a supportive attitude, but there are many people who worry about the center. Some people even worry that the influx of foreign goods into the country will make the national industry collapse. They compared the foreign goods to “wolves” and shouted: “The wolves are coming!” Speaking of wolves, I remembered the stories I saw in a magazine. The effect is that a forest because the wolf was killed and killed, sika deer no enemy to catch up, become increasingly lazy, greatly reduced ability to run, physical fitness and quality also will decline. Worried about the local wildlife protection organizations. Finally, they came up with a trick: get a wolf, into the forest.