周作人认为新诗的诗体是自由体 ,自由体便于自由地抒写真情实感。他的这一观点在一定程度上完善和发展了胡适的诗体论 ,超越了中国传统的自由诗体论。周作人的诗体论对中国现代诗论和新诗的发展起到了一定的前导和促进作用
Zhou Zuoren thinks that the poetry style of the new poem is a free body, and the free body is free to express the real feeling of reality. This view of him has perfected and developed Hu Shi’s poetic theory to a certain extent, surpassing the Chinese traditional free verse theory. Zhou Zuoren’s style of poetry played a leading and promoting role in the development of modern Chinese poetry theory and new poetry