惊闻刘宗绪先生不幸逝世的噩耗 ,我们全体编辑哀恸难抑。刘先生是我国世界历史研究领域的著名学者 ,不仅研究成果极其丰厚、饮誉中外 ,而且在理论思维、方法论和导向性上 ,给我国学者开创性地研究历史起了开风气之先的榜样作用 ,他的许多精辟论断 ,至今看来仍是空谷足音。我国
Surprised Mr. Liu Zongxu unhappy death of the sad news, all of our editor grief. Mr. Liu is a famous scholar in the field of world history research in our country. Not only his research achievements are extremely rich and generous, he is renowned both at home and abroad. In his theoretical thinking, methodology and orientation, Mr. Liu played a pioneering role model for our scholars in pioneering the study of history. Many of his incisive assertions so far seem to be empty vowels. My country