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俗话说:“舍得,舍得,有舍才有得。”简单的一句话,包含了人生中的处世智慧与道理。因为,真正豁达的人,是懂得超脱;真情的人,会懂得奉献;幸福的人懂得放下;智慧的人懂得得与失。人生在寻找得的同时,总要付出一种代价,正确地认识得与失,人就会在得到的时候,懂得必然的失落;也会在失落的时候,懂得如何从失落中找回自我。 As the saying goes: “willing, willing, there is homesickness. ” A simple sentence, contains life wisdom and truth. Because, really open-minded people, is to know how to detached; truth, people will know how to give; happy people know to put down; intelligent people know how to gain or lose. Life is looking for it, always have to pay a price, correct understanding of gains and losses, people will get the time to understand the inevitable loss; will also be lost in the time, know how to recover from the loss of self.
刘谦,大名鼎鼎的华人魔术师,自2009年第一次登上央视春晚舞台,迅速红遍全国。他有一句口头禅:“接下来,就是见证奇迹的时刻……”妇孺皆知。  就是这么一位在当今全世界都响当当的魔术师,竟从未正式拜师学艺,甚至后来能被大众所熟知,纵有魔法和实力,但爆红的奇迹始终没有出现,更经历一番异常曲折而又艰难的希望与梦想的“破冰”之旅。  1976年6月的一天,刘谦出生在台湾省高雄市,8岁时开始接触魔术表演并产