我国经济从 1993年年中开始加强宏观调控措施以来 ,增幅已连续 7年下降 ,平均每年回落 1个百分点。这里有些是正常的 ,但也有些非正常的因素在起作用 ,其中的焦点之一就是内需不足 ,还有供给过剩和供给刚性方面的原因。展望今年及未来 10年的经济发展 ,有利的因素很多 ,但也受到多方面的制约。期望 2 1世纪初我国经济继续保持前 2 0年平均每年接近 10 %的增长速度 ,是不现实的。我国中长期规划 2 1世纪前 10年内使GDP总量再翻一番 ,即每年平均增长 7.2 % ,这是一个比较实事求是的考虑。
Since China began to step up its macroeconomic control measures in mid-1993, the growth rate has dropped for seven consecutive years, dropping by an average of 1 percentage point annually. Some here are normal, but there are also some non-normal factors that work. One of the focuses is the lack of domestic demand, as well as the causes of excess supply and supply rigidity. Looking forward to the economic development this year and the next 10 years, there are many favorable factors but they are also subject to various constraints. It is unrealistic to expect that at the beginning of the 21st century, our economy will continue to grow at an average rate of nearly 10% a year in the preceding 20 years. In the mid-to-long term planning of our country, the total GDP doubled in the first 10 years of the 21st century by an average of 7.2% annually. This is a more realistic consideration.