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西亭中学是一所农村老完中。1993年,经通州市人民政府批准,被确定为所有权与办学权分离的试点单位。近一年来,我们解放思想,抓住机遇,积极试点,努力探索在社会主义市场经济体制下新的办学模式和教育运行机制,大大激发了办学的动力和活力,取得了教育改革和发展的新成效。一、改革的背景 “两权分离”作为深化教育体制改革的一种尝试,除了学校必须树立锐意进取、敢开先河的改革创新精神外,还必须具备教育内外部各方面有利于改革顺利进行、健康发展的客观背景条件。 Xiding Middle School is an old rural finish. In 1993, with the approval of the Tongzhou Municipal People’s Government, it was determined as a pilot unit separating ownership from the right to run schools. In the past year, we have emancipated the mind, seized the opportunity, and actively experimented with it. We have endeavored to explore new school-running models and educational operating mechanisms under the socialist market economic system, which have greatly stimulated the momentum and vitality of schooling and achieved new results in education reform and development. Effectiveness. First, the background of the reform “Separation of the two powers” as an attempt to deepen the reform of the education system, in addition to schools must establish a spirit of reform and innovation that is determined to forge ahead and dare to open the precedent, it must also have all aspects of education within and outside to facilitate the reform. The objective background conditions for progress and healthy development.
语文教学既负有训练语言形象思维的任务,也负有情感教育的任务,可以说语文教学自它设科以来,就与美育结下了不解之缘。寓美育于语文教学之中,既属必须,也完全是可行的。 Ch
这是在深秋。深秋的天空一会儿雾气蒙蒙烟雨迷离,一会儿又清澈爽朗高远宁净。宁静以致远。我喜欢秋天里的这一份迷离而又高远宁静的意境。 交融, 缓缓的方式流进那不知尽
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不用告诉我来自何方你的眼睛盖有太湖的印章一许清亮的目光飘出满湖的波涛随之荡漾带来水天一色的湖光带来银鳞万尾的游鱼带来晨曲晚唱的渔歌带来山青水秀的江南 Do not te