
来源 :中国科学院院刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangwei0101
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由于历史原因,中科院法律主体性质从《中国科学院暂行组织章程(草案)》开始就存在着模糊的倾向。现有法律主体性质的制度性确认,缺失基础性的法律内涵,使得中科院法律主体性质稳定性和权威性不足,从而难以满足中科院治理体系现代化的客观需求。因此,从应然和实然的角度,建议尽快通过专门性立法确认法律主体性质,设立专门性国立科研机构法人主体,以及明确行政管理授权等方面重构中科院法律主体性质。 Due to historical reasons, the nature of the legal subject of CAS has a vague tendency from the “Draft Articles of Association of the Interim Organization of the Chinese Academy of Sciences”. The institutional confirmation of the existing law subjects and the lack of basic legal connotation make the nature and the authority of the legal subject of the Chinese Academy of Sciences insufficient and make it difficult to meet the objective needs of the modernization of the Chinese Academy of Sciences governance system. Therefore, from the point of view of both practical and practical aspects, it is suggested to reconstruct the legal subject of Chinese Academy of Sciences as soon as possible through the special legislation to confirm the nature of the legal subject, the establishment of a specialized corporate body of a national scientific research institution, and a clear authorization of administrative management.
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文章阐述了精明增长及精明增长交通系统的理念,提出精明增长交通5个要素,对精明增长交通系统下我国综合客运枢纽的规划做出探讨。 The article elaborates the concept of s