2010年4月20日发生的美国墨西哥湾原油泄漏事故,曾被美国总统奥巴马比作环保界的“911”事件。一流的公司、顶级的装备却为何发生如此惨重的事故呢?漏油之后BP采取了哪些应急处理措施?2010年4月20日,美国墨西哥湾西西比海底峡谷252区块Macondo探区,在相隔10 s的两次大爆炸后,“深水地平线”钻井平台升起一团熊熊燃烧的大火,并于2010年4月22日沉入墨西哥湾。事故造成了人类历史上最大的海洋石油泄漏污染,并导致11人死亡,17人受伤。
The U.S. Gulf oil spill on April 20, 2010, was compared to the “911” incident by the U.S. President Barack Obama on environmental protection. First-class company, the top equipment but why such a heavy accident? After the oil leak BP has taken what emergency measures? April 20, 2010, the United States of America Gulf of Mexico submarine canyon 252 block Macondo exploration area, separated by After two big bangs of 10 s, the Deepwater Horizon rig raises a massive fire that sank into the Gulf of Mexico on April 22, 2010. The accident caused pollution in the largest offshore oil spill in human history and resulted in 11 deaths and 17 injuries.