简介: 笔者在卡尔斯培克·丰台洵(Carlsberg Foundation)的许可和支持下,于一九六五年六、七月间在中东逗留了近一个月的光景。我们曾访问了伊朗,并在离克尔曼省的首府克尔曼西南面二百公里的锡尔詹(Sirjan)住了两个星期,得到了贝克(Banke)先生和太太的款待。他们的管家罗兰姆·侯赛因(Rollam Hussein)先生出生于此地东面的巴姆(Bam)区,成了我们的译员。同时,作为“加姆伯沙克斯”(Kampsax)的土木工程师顾问的贝克先生给我们置备了一辆小轿车。如果没有他们的诚挚相助,要想在这么短的时间内,搞出这么多的调查情况,是不可能的。以前有关用镰刀收获的调查已经在《农具和耕地》杂志上发表过了。(一九六八年莱赫)我们现在调查的是关于犁在同一地区的使用情况。克尔曼的省域大致是西自远离饧尔詹100公里的法尔斯(Fars)省的边境,北接邻近阿
Plot: The author spent nearly a month in the Middle East in June or July 1965 with the permission and support of the Carlsberg Foundation. We visited Iran and stayed for two weeks from Sirjan, 200 kilometers south-west of Kerman, the capital of Kerman province, with the reception of Mr. Banke and his wife. Their housekeeper, Sir Rollam Hussein, was born in the Bam district to the east of the site and became our interpreter. At the same time, Mr. Baker, a civil engineering consultant for Kampsax, gave us a car. Without their sincere assistance, it is impossible to find so many investigations in such a short period of time. Previous surveys on sickle harvest have been published in Farm Tools and Cultivated Land magazine. (Lech, 1968) We are now investigating the use of plows in the same area. The province of Kerman is roughly the west from the border with the province of Fars province, 100 kilometers away from Kirchjan,