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肩关节外展肌挛缩一例刘正全,覃均昌,张德文,刘传康患儿:男,3岁1个月。因左肩胛骨隆突,上臂内收受限2年,疑诊为先天性高肩胛症入院。患儿系第1胎,足月顺产,其母妊娠期健康状况良好。生后4个月会阴与臀部发生尿布皮炎,发热高达39℃,三角肌部位曾接受注射... A case of shoulder abduction muscle contracture Liu Zhengquan, Qin Jun, Zhang Dewen, Liu Chuan Kang children: male, 3 years old and 1 month. Left shoulder blade due to the carina, upper arm within the acceptance limit of 2 years, suspected congenital high degree of shoulder disease admission. Children with first-born fetus, full-term follow-up, the mother’s health during pregnancy is good. Diaper dermatitis occurs in the perineum and buttocks 4 months after birth, fever up to 39 ℃, deltoid muscle parts have been injected ...
男人如果四十岁以后才结婚,他可以一生维持一段婚姻。如果三十岁以前结婚,那么四十岁左右就是他们的再婚季。所谓七年之痒,几乎都出现在三十到四十岁之间。  晚婚和大龄单身的人,在朋友圈总会碰到这种尴尬,她们好不容易结婚了,朋友们却忙着离婚了,他们还没找到对象,朋友们却忙着第二春。而且说起来,都那么轻松:我前阵因为离婚,没空找你吃饭,现在离完了……喔,他们换房换车时,差不多也这样。  男人离婚的理由很多,
70年后他仍声情并茂朗诵情书  “My darling,Please give me a definite answer,which will reflect my once-pale youthful-ness……”  2015年11月24日,北温泉数帆楼,97岁的曹越华老人再次用英文给妻子朗诵这封70年前从战地寄送出的情书。  “亲爱的,给我一个答复吧,您深情的目光辉映着我曾经苍白的青春……”