Geological information and its characterization have stochastic uncertainty and fuzzy uncertainty, and there are inherent cross-correlations between soil physical and mechanical parameters. Through the statistical analysis of the known porosity parameters of the strata, we use the Weibull distribution to simulate the heterogeneity of the spatial distribution of the porosity and the random midpoint displacement method to simulate the spatial distribution of the pore structure in the heterogeneous formation, and establish the porosity Rate of Spatial Distribution Prediction Model. The spatial function of geological variables was established. Combined with the correlation of soil parameters, two-dimensional geological sections and three-dimensional digital strata were formed based on porosity, and a geo-target oriented heterogeneous geological model was constructed. Spatiotemporal distribution characteristics and their effective description of the physical property parameters of the homogeneous stratigraphy are used to describe and predict the variation and randomness of the local geological information of the stratigraphic accurately.