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当今世界,能源发展正在进入以低碳化为主要特征的大变革、大调整时期。国际能源权威机构预计,2030年天然气在世界一次能源消费结构中所占比例将上升到28%,超过石油成为第一大能源。有观点认为,“中国可以引领世界进入天然气的黄金时代”。调整结构将是我国“十二五”期间能源行业的工作重心,天然气在我国能源消费结构中的比例将持续提高。在“十二五”规划中,无论是国家还是地方政府、乃至能源企业,都把清洁能源作为可持续发展的重点,而天然气又是清洁能源中的重点。天然气使用量迅速增加,“气化”领域和范围迅速扩大。近年来,新疆、陕西、吉林、四川、山东、山西、天津、贵州、海南等多个省区市,都将未来能源发展的重点锁定在天然气上。这些举措的实施,必将促进天然气需求量快速增长。以天然气为核心的“能源气体化”格局正在形成;中国的天然气上游业务板块依然是三大石油公司的重头戏;非常规天然气的发展正在演绎异军突起。 In today’s world, energy development is entering a period of great change and major adjustment characterized by low carbonization. International energy authorities predict that by 2030 the share of natural gas in the world’s primary energy consumption structure will rise to 28%, surpassing oil as the largest source of energy. Some people think that “China can lead the world into the golden age of natural gas ”. Adjusting the structure will be the focus of energy industry in China during the “12th Five-Year Plan”, and the proportion of natural gas in China’s energy consumption structure will continue to increase. In the “Twelfth Five-Year Plan”, both state and local governments and even energy companies regard clean energy as the focus of sustainable development, and natural gas is also the focus of clean energy. The use of natural gas is rapidly increasing, and the field and scope of “gasification” rapidly expand. In recent years, Xinjiang, Shaanxi, Jilin, Sichuan, Shandong, Shanxi, Tianjin, Guizhou and Hainan provinces and cities all focus their energy development on natural gas in the future. The implementation of these measures will surely promote the rapid growth of natural gas demand. Natural gas as the core of the “energy gasification” pattern is being formed; China’s natural gas upstream business segment remains the highlight of the three major oil companies; unconventional natural gas development is a sudden emergence of the sudden emergence.
本文对1981~1995年间我国图书馆学情报学报刊文献进行了统计,分析了学科的发展走势、学科构成、核心作者及期刊、作者分布与合著情况。 This article has carried on the statistics t