缺铁性贫血是全世界发病率最高的营养缺乏性疾病之一。我国6个月至2岁婴幼儿中较多见,患病率约为20%-30%,农村高于城市。主要原因与断奶期喂养不当,未及时补充铁质有关。 缺铁性贫血小儿常面色苍白、食欲减退、活动减少、生长发育迟缓,因免疫功能降低而易患各种感染性疾病,而且,缺铁还
Iron deficiency anemia is one of the most frequently occurring nutritional deficiencies in the world. China’s 6 months to 2-year-old infants and young children more common, the prevalence of about 20% -30%, rural areas higher than the city. Mainly due to improper feeding at weaning and not timely iron-related. Children with iron deficiency anemia often pale, loss of appetite, decreased activity, growth and retardation, due to reduced immune function susceptible to a variety of infectious diseases, and iron deficiency also