摩托罗拉在智能手机时代被很多行业中的后来者超越,但这不表明这家公司失去了创造性。该公司内部的Project Ara项目正在研制完全模块化设计生产的新一代手持设备。他们的设计允许用户根据需求配置自己需要的手机,包括外观颜色、处理器、内存、通信模块、摄像头、以及不同用途的传感器。而用户也可以在使用过程中升级新的模块,增加新的用途。如果摩托能够成功解决技术和生产方面的问题,或许很多用户都愿意尝试这种个性十足的新设计。
Motorola is surpassed in the smartphone era by latecomers in many industries, but that does not mean the company has lost its creativity. The company’s Project Ara project is developing a completely new generation of handheld devices designed and manufactured in a modular manner. Their design allows users to configure their needs on the phone, including the appearance of color, processor, memory, communication module, camera, and sensors for different purposes. The user can also upgrade the use of new modules, add new uses. If the motorcycle can successfully solve the technical and production problems, perhaps many users are willing to try this new personality full of design.