目的 为探讨TRAb、TPOAb在甲状腺病中的应用价值。方法 以RRA法检测TRAb、IRMA法检测TPOAb。观察二者在Graves’s病、Graves’s眼病、甲亢复发、桥本病各组变化。结果 TRAb阳性率分别为94 5 %、89 5 %、95 %、88 6 % ,并随治疗缓慢下降。TPOAb在桥本病几组中阳性率为 98 4%~ 10 0 %。在甲亢组为 5 0 7%。结论 表明TRAb对甲亢诊断、指导治疗、停药有重要价值。TPOAb在桥本病的鉴别诊断中有重要作用 ,其灵敏度明显优于TGAb、TMAb。
Objective To investigate the value of TRAb and TPOAb in thyroid disease. Methods TRAb was detected by RRA method and TPOAb was detected by IRMA method. Observe Graves’ disease, Graves’s eye disease, recurrence of hyperthyroidism and Hashimoto’s disease in each group. Results The positive rates of TRAb were 94 5%, 89 5%, 95% and 88 6%, respectively, and decreased slowly with the treatment. The positive rate of TPOAb in Hashimoto’s disease group was 98 4% ~ 100%. In hyperthyroidism group was 57.7%. The conclusion shows that TRAb has important value in the diagnosis, treatment and withdrawal of hyperthyroidism. TPOAb in the differential diagnosis of Hashimoto’s disease has an important role, its sensitivity was significantly better than TGAb, TMAb.