学前教育的发展日益受到国家的高度重视和社会各界的广泛关注,财政在学前教育上的经费开支近几年也有显著的提高。但当前我国学前教育财政投入现状整体仍不容乐观。由于财政投入不到位,导致出现“入园难”、学前教育师资难以满足实际需求、区域间学前教育发展差距拉大等问题。因而,应借鉴民办高校独立学院的办学模式、鼓励发展平价小规模民办幼儿园和扩大宣传力度等方面拓展学前教育的投入渠道,提高学前教育财政经费的使用效率,以缓解我国学前教育财政投入不足的问题。","The development of preschool education has attracted more and more attention from govement and soci -ety.Financial investment in preschool education has increased rapidly .However,the current overall status of Chi-nese financial investment is not optimistic .Due to the insufficient financial investment ,there appeared the kindergar-ten crunch ,the difficulty of preschool teachers to meet the practical needs ,and the widen gap in the development of regional preschool education .Therefore ,we should refer to the mode of Independent College ,encourage the develop-ment of small ,private and cheap kindergartens , and enhance their propaganda , so as to enlarge the channel of in-vestment in preschool education , improve the efficiency of funds , and alleviate the problem of insufficient pre -school education financial investment in China .