Linguistic Features of English Advertisements

来源 :科技信息(学术研究) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kittyleung1979
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Ad,being a manifestation of language in action,is a widely used medium of communication in modern society. After China’s entry into WTO,a lot of English ads come into the domestic market,and at the same time,we should create a lot of English ads for our products marching towards the world market. With some ads appearing in English magazines as examples,this paper aims to discuss the lexical features,and the figures of speech used in advertisement. It aims at providing information on creating and appreciating English ads. Ad, being a manifestation of language in action, is a widely used medium of communication in modern society. After China’s entry into WTO, a lot of English ads come into the domestic market, and at the same time, we should create a lot of English ads for our products marching towards the world market. With some ads appearing in English magazines as examples, this paper aims to discuss the lexical features, and the figures of speech used in advertisement. It aims at providing information on creating and appreciating ads .
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