完善职代会制度 推进民主管理与监督

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随着改革的深入,国有企业逐步成为自主经营的法人实体和市场竞争的主体。在这种形势下,国企如何按照现代企业制度的要求,建立起科学的决策、执行和监督体系,形成有效的内部监督和自我约束机制,使企业领导人员用好党和人民赋予的权力,确保企业改革与发展的顺利进行,是一 With the deepening of the reform, state-owned enterprises have gradually become the main bodies of self-operating legal entities and market competition. Under such circumstances, how to set up a scientific system for decision-making, implementation and supervision in accordance with the requirements of the modern enterprise system so as to form an effective internal supervision and self-restraint mechanism so that the leaders of enterprises can make the best use of the power entrusted by the party and the people and ensure The smooth progress of enterprise reform and development is one