目的调查分析养路工人矽肺发病情况和特征,制定相应的防治措施。方法对养路工人进行25年的跟踪调查分析。结果作业场所矽尘浓度为33.75~120mg/m~3,体检6 041人次,共检出矽肺患者71人,男70人,女1人;Ⅰ期56人,发病年龄50.6±8.28,发病工龄28.6±6.54;Ⅱ期15人,发病年龄61.5±6.61,发病工龄37.4±4.65。Ⅰ期晋级Ⅱ期年限9.1±4.09;0~+117人;死亡12,病死率16.9%。矽肺肺结核并发率为7.04%(5/71)。结论养路工人作业场所矽尘浓度高,工人矽肺发病率较高,需采取除尘、降尘、个人防护、健康教育等综合防治措施。
Objective To investigate and analyze the incidence and characteristics of silicosis in road maintenance workers and formulate corresponding prevention and control measures. Methods Follow-up survey and analysis of road maintenance workers for 25 years. Results Silicone concentration in the workplace was 33.75 ~ 120mg / m ~ 3, and physical examination was carried out in 6 041 persons. A total of 71 silicosis patients were detected, including 70 males and 70 females, and 56 patients were stage Ⅰ with a mean age of onset of 50.6 ± 8.28 and a disease onset age of 28.6 ± 6.54; stage Ⅱ 15, the age of onset of 61.5 ± 6.61, length of service onset 37.4 ± 4.65. Stage Ⅰ cut stage Ⅱ life 9.1 ± 4.09; 0 ~ + 117; death 12, case fatality rate 16.9%. The incidence of silicosis was 7.04% (5/71). Conclusion The maintenance workers at workplace silicon dust concentration is high, the incidence of silicosis of workers is higher, need to take dust, dust, personal protection, health education and other comprehensive prevention and control measures.