Greenhouse vegetable cultivation is a new leading industry in Yichuan County, Shaanxi Province. In order to ensure the sustained, steady and rapid development of this industry, the county agricultural center vigorously promoted the technology of soil testing and formulating and fertilization on greenhouses and vegetables, provided “ With, Shi ”integrated services. Practice has proved that: soil testing and fertilizer technology has the effect of saving fertilizer, improving fertilizer utilization, reducing agricultural costs and so on, to achieve the purpose of increasing production and increasing income. Soil samples of 1820 greenhouses in Tu County from 2002 to 2006 were measured and tested. The results showed that the average grain yield increased by 8% ~ 15%, up to 20%, and the cost of fertilizer reduced by 150 ~ 225 yuan, fertilizer utilization rate can be increased by 5 to 10 percentage points.