大白菜是我市海涂涂园主栽蔬菜,涂园大多盐碱强,加上秋季干旱,导致大白菜焦边、干烧心和心腐病普遍发生。为了提高涂园大白菜的产量、品质和抗性,特进行播种期和密度试验。 一、材料与方法 (一)供试品种中熟4号大白菜,系福州市蔬菜所培育的一代杂种。我市于1994年引进试种,包心紧,品质佳,生长势强,抗病,耐热。 (二)参试因素 A因素为播钟期:(A_1)8月30日,(A_2)9月15日,(A_3)9月30日。B因素为亩栽株数:(B_1)2000株,(B_2)2300诛,(B_3)2600株。 (三)试验设计播种期和密度两因素随机区组排列,重复 3次。小区面积36m2。采收时调查病情,并对小区产量结果进行方差分析,SSR法多重比较。 (四)试验地点瓯海区海滨镇涂园,淡涂粉砂
Chinese cabbage is the city’s main garden vegetables painted garden, most of the saline-alkali garden, coupled with the autumn drought, leading to coke burdock edge, heartburn and heart heart disease generally occur. In order to improve the yield of Chinese cabbage garden, quality and resistance, special sowing and density test. First, materials and methods (A) for the test varieties Zhongshu 4 cabbage, Department of Fuzhou vegetables by the generation of hybrids. The city introduced in 1994 trial planting, tight package, good quality, strong growth potential, disease resistance, heat resistance. (B) test factors A broadcast season: (A_1) August 30, (A_2) on September 15, (A_3) September 30. B factors for the number of planted acres: (B_1) 2000, (B_2) 2300 Zhu, (B_3) 2600 strains. (Three) the experimental design of sowing and density of two factors randomized block arrangement, repeated 3 times. Area of 36m2. Harvest to investigate the disease, and community yield analysis of variance, multiple comparisons by SSR method. (D) test site Ouhai Haibin Town Tu Park, lightly coated silt