Maximum Likelihood A Priori Knowledge Interpolation-Based Handset Mismatch Compensation for Robust S

来源 :Tsinghua Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenlecheng
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Unseen handset mismatch is the major source of performance degradation in speaker identifica-tion in telecommunication environments. To alleviate the problem, a maximum likelihood a priori knowledge interpolation (ML-AKI)-based handset mismatch compensation approach is proposed. It first collects a set of handset characteristics of seen handsets to use as the a priori knowledge for representing the space of handsets. During evaluation the characteristics of an unknown test handset are optimally estimated by in-terpolation from the set of the a priori knowledge. Experimental results on the HTIMIT database show that the ML-AKI method can improve the average speaker identification rate from 60.0% to 74.6% as compared with conventional maximum a posteriori-adapted Gaussian mixture models. The proposed ML-AKI method is a promising method for robust speaker identification. Un alleviation of the problem, a maximum likelihood a priori knowledge interpolation (ML-AKI) -based handset mismatch compensation approach is proposed. It first collects a set of handset characteristics of seen handsets to use as the a priori knowledge for representing the space of handsets. During evaluation the characteristics of an unknown test handset are optimally estimated by in-terpolation from the set of the priori knowledge. Experimental results on the HTIMIT database show that the ML-AKI method can improve the average speaker identification rate from 60.0% to 74.6% as compared with conventional maximum a posteriori-adapted Gaussian mixture models. The proposed ML-AKI method is a promising method for robust speaker identification.
《报业时代》月刊(2002年4月号)吸引年轻读者 在1985年和1991年的调查中,研究者们发现年轻人的报纸阅读率跟他们的父母并不一致。根据福莱斯特最新调查显示,在20岁到29岁的
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