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目的了解陕西居民目前的膳食结构状况,为进一步改善膳食结构,提高居民生活水平提供资料。方法按经济发展状况的不同,分别在城市和农村抽取居民家庭,采取入户3日称重法进行调查。结果农村和城市的能量摄入分别为2444.4kcal(10.3MJ)和1904.3kcal(8.0MJ);三大产热营养素产热比城市和农村蛋白质分别为11.9%和11.3%,脂肪分别为29.9%和26.2%,碳水化物分别为58.2%和62.5%;城乡居民能量的主要来源是谷类,城市与农村分别占58.7%和63.1%;动物性食物提供的能量分别占9.3%、5.1%,纯热能食物(动物油、植物油)提供的能量城乡分别占18.7%、18.0%;农村居民的薯类消费高达82.0g/标准人日,而城市居民仅消费31.5g/标准人日;城市居民的脂肪、食盐摄入量分别为43.8g和13.7g(包括酱油含盐量,不包括腌菜含盐量),农村居民的脂肪、食盐摄入分别为52.7g和36.1g(包括酱油含盐量,不包括腌菜含盐量)。结论城乡居民膳食能量来源主要是谷类食物,且农村高于城市;动物性食物消费量城市高于农村;谷类食物的蛋白质仍为城乡居民的主要供给来源,且农村高于城市,而动物性食物蛋白质供给则城市居民户高于农村,脂肪类食物来源动物性食物城市高于农村,而植物性食物则农村高于城市。从平均营养素摄入量看,除视黄醇外,其余营养素均是农村居民高于城市。城乡居民脂肪和食盐的摄入量均远大于中国居民膳食指南推荐的每日摄入量,且农村高于城市。 Objective To understand the current state of dietary structure of Shaanxi residents and to provide information for further improving the dietary structure and improving residents’ living standards. Methods According to the different economic development, residents and families were drawn in cities and rural areas, respectively. Results The energy intake of rural and urban areas was 2444.4kcal (10.3MJ) and 1904.3kcal (8.0MJ) respectively. The heat production of the three heat-producing nutrients was 11.9% and 11.3% respectively compared with the urban and rural areas, and the fat content was 29.9% and 26.2% and carbohydrate respectively 58.2% and 62.5%. The main sources of energy for urban and rural residents are cereals, urban and rural areas accounting for 58.7% and 63.1% respectively, and the energy provided by animal food accounts for 9.3% and 5.1% respectively. (Animal oil and vegetable oil) accounted for 18.7% and 18.0% respectively of urban and rural areas. The consumption of potato by rural residents was as high as 82.0g / standard person day, while that of urban residents only consumed 31.5g / standard person day. The fat and salt intake of urban residents (Including the salt content of soy sauce, excluding the salinity of pickles). The intake of fat and salt of rural residents were 52.7g and 36.1g respectively (including the salt content of soy sauce, excluding the salted Vegetable salinity). Conclusions The main source of dietary energy for urban and rural residents is cereal, which is higher in rural than in urban areas. The consumption of animal food in urban areas is higher than that in rural areas. The protein in cereals is still the main source of supply for urban and rural residents, and rural areas are higher than urban areas. Protein supply is higher than the urban households in urban households, animal origin of fatty foods than in rural cities, and plant foods in rural areas than the city. From the average nutrient intake, in addition to retinol, the remaining nutrients are rural residents than the city. Both urban and rural residents ’intakes of fat and salt are much larger than the daily intake recommended by Chinese residents’ dietary guidelines and are higher in rural areas than in urban areas.
目的 探讨甲醛的氧化损伤效应.方法 采用培养A549细胞株作为实验材料,以不同浓度的液态甲醛(0、50、100、200、400、800、1 600 μmol/L)对细胞染毒1 h后按照试剂盒说明书检
目的 了解湖北省土源性线虫感染情况及分布特点,为土源性线虫病的防治工作提供科学依据.方法 按照全国统一方案,采用分层整群抽样法抽取10个县(市)30个调查点,每个点调查人数
目的 观察在住院医师规范化培训(规培医生)临床教学中采用急诊“降阶梯”思维的效果.方法 选取2017年1月-2018年2月规培医生74人,随机法分为观察组(传统教学+降阶梯思维教学
目的 对比探究利福喷丁与利福平在肺结核治疗中的药效及安全性.方法 选取我院在2017年1月至2018年4月收治的70例肺结核患者作为研究对象,将之随机分为两组,各35例,对照组给予