医德医风建设是医疗卫生行业精神文明建设的一个重要内容。《献血法》实施后,我站把开展无偿献血作为推动医德医风建设的动力,以服务无偿献血为内容拓宽医德教育的思路,极大地促进了血站的医德医风建设,使人员的思想、业务素质得到了全面提高,从而推进了无偿献血工作的开展。1 《献血法》是医德教育的主题课 血站是无偿献血工作中的一个枢纽,对整个无偿献血工作的开展,医疗临床用血的需要与安全起着举足轻重的作用。医
The medical ethics construction is an important part of the spiritual civilization construction in the medical and health industry. After the implementation of the “blood donation law”, I stood to carry out unpaid blood donation as a driving force for promoting the construction of medical ethics, and to serve the content of unpaid blood donation to expand the ideas of medical ethics education, which greatly promoted the construction of the medical ethics of the blood station and the personnel’s thinking. The quality of business has been comprehensively improved, which has promoted the development of unpaid blood donation. 1 Blood Donation Act is the subject of medical ethics education The blood station is a pivot in the work of blood donation. It plays a decisive role in the development of the whole blood donation work and the need and safety of blood for clinical medical use. medical